2 KINGS 20


Hezekiah becomes ill and is nearing death. Hezekiah pleads with God asking Him to spare his life and remember that he was a faithful king. God tells Isaiah that he heard the cries of Hezekiah and would extend his life for fifteen years, protecting him from the Assyrians. God uses a sundial reversing in time as a sign to Hezekiah that He would keep His promise to extend his life.

Hezekiah responds to God’s grace by honoring God and rejoicing in prayer. Isaiah instructs Hezekiah to apply figs to his boils to heal them.

After hearing of his illness and miraculous recovery, the king of Babylon visits Hezekiah. Hezekiah welcomes him and showcased his many treasures, including silver and gold, spices and oils, and other precious things.

Isaiah later confronts Hezekiah and warns him that one day all of his belongings will be taken by the Babylonians and that his sons will one day be exiled in Babylon. Hezekiah responds to this news by saying that God’s news is good and that there would be peace and security all of his days. It is debated if his response is selfless or selfish. It is possible his response displays trust in God, but he is also glad that he would not be alive to see the coming destruction.


2 KINGS 19


2 KINGS 21