2 KINGS 17


After Hoshea murders Pekah, he rules as an unrighteous king over Israel. Because the king of Assyria does not trust Hoshea, he is captured and Assyria invades Israel. During this time, Samaria is seized, and the Israelites are carried away to Assyria.

Because the Israelites acted like the rebellious nation of Canaan whom God originally drove out of the Promised Land, they too would be removed from the land. Israel’s sin and faithlessness cause them to fall, even after all God had done to protect and provide for them. God warned the Israelites through the prophets that this time was coming, but the Israelites dismissed the warnings with their stubbornness and pride. Israel is exiled from the Promised Land and suffers captivity in Assyria.

The Assyrians resettle the city of Samaria with people from other nations once the Israelites are removed. The new inhabitants do not worship God, so God sends lions to attack! The people recognize this warning from God, and the king of Assyria sends a priest to Samaria. The foreigners in Samaria are more responsive to God’s warnings than the Israelites had been. Although some worship God, the people’s hearts are divided and distracted by other false gods.

God restores the Israelites time and time again, but they reject Him and abandon their loyalty to Him. God wants to deliver the Israelites from their enemies, but their rebellion leads them to less than what God had for them.


2 KINGS 16


2 KINGS 18