Because Paul has sent Timothy to establish new leaders in Ephesus, Paul describes the qualities of a person worthy of leading within the church. Paul outlines two different roles, overseers and deacons, who serve the church in different capacities. These people are to be trustworthy, respectable, hospitable, gentle, and generous. Before someone can manage a church, they must be able to manage their own household. Paul desires the men to be committed to their wives and attentive to their children. All of these traits are related to character, not skill or status, revealing what God values most.
Paul gives caution to those who are new converts in the faith, advising them to wait before taking on a leadership role, so they are able to grow in their faith and not stumble. Paul also teaches that the leaders should be well thought of by outsiders, encouraging others to become followers of Jesus.
Considering God's mysterious nature, Paul states that while many things are unknown about God, he knows one thing for sure. Jesus was God on Earth, and His truth was proclaimed among all kinds of people.