1 KINGS 17


A prophet named Elijah warns Ahab that there would be a severe drought in Israel. God tells Elijah to hide out east of the Jordan River. There, God would provide him with fresh water from a brook and food delivered by ravens. Eventually, the brook dries up because of the drought, so God instructs Elijah to go to Zarephath where God has prepared a widow to care for Elijah.

Upon finding the widow, Elijah asks her for food and water. The woman tells Elijah that she barely has enough flour and oil to feed herself and her son. They are so impoverished that they are about to die from starvation. Elijah encourages the woman to make food for him despite their scarce supply. Elijah knows that God will provide. Once the woman makes food for Elijah, her jar of flour and bottle of oil never run out!

Later on, the widow's son becomes ill and stops breathing. Elijah prays for him and asked God to heal him. When God restores his life, the widow recognizes Elijah as a man of God and trusts in the Lord!


1 KINGS 16


1 KINGS 18