1 KINGS 15


After Rehoboam’s death, his son Abijah takes the throne. Similar to his father, Abijah continues to live in sin and is not faithful to God. Because Abijah is David’s great-grandson, God allows him to remain on the throne. Throughout his entire life, Abijah is at war with Jeroboam. After Abijah’s death, he is followed by his son Asa.

Asa is a faithful and God-fearing king who conducts himself in honorable and righteous ways. Asa removes temple prostitutes and destroys idols and false gods. Asa goes as far as removing his own grandmother, Maacah, from her royal position because of her creation of false idols.

After Jeroboam’s reign in Israel, he is succeeded by his son Nadab. Baasha, Ahijah’s son, attacks Nadab, kills him, and takes over the throne. This fulfilled the prophecy of the previous chapter, spoken by Ahijah.

Asa and Baasha are at war with each other throughout their reign.

Asa becomes allies with Ben-Hadad, a leader in Aram, by making a treaty with gold and silver. Together, Asa and Aram overpower Baasha. Baasha reigns in Israel for twenty-four years and is openly evil and disobedient to God.


1 KINGS 14


1 KINGS 16