1 JOHN 2


John states that the purpose of his writing is so that followers of Jesus will not sin. Knowing they will not be able to avoid sin entirely, John states that Jesus serves as their advocate and atones for the sins of the world.

For those who know Jesus, John calls them to a life of obedience. Following Jesus’s new commandment, to love God and love others, is a marker of genuine belief. For those who claim to believe, but ignore God’s commands, John calls them liars. For those who abide in God’s law and genuinely love God, God’s love is perfected in them.

John notes that Jesus’ command is both old and new. From the beginning, God desired for His creation to love Him and love one another. Jesus has shed light on what it means to love sacrificially and value others more than yourself.

John urges followers to not love the ways of the world. All of the desires of the world, pride, greed, and lust, will all pass away. In the end, the world itself will pass away, but those who abide in God will have eternal life.

John informs believers that there are anti-christs among them. John explains that these people deny God and oppose the truth. John clarifies that those who renounce the faith were never truly in the faith. Although they may have claimed to believe, only God truly knows the posture of their hearts. John wants to protect the faith of believers so that it will not be distorted by false teaching. He encourages God’s people to cling to their faith and not be ashamed of the gospel.


1 JOHN 1


1 JOHN 3