Offering an explanation to the Corinthians, Paul tells of the many gifts given by the Holy Spirit. These gifts include wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, performing miracles, prophecy, discernment, and speaking in tongues. The concept of speaking in tongues is heavily debated within the Church today, some believing it is the ability to speak other languages and some believing it is a unique prayer language between God and humanity. Regardless, Paul encourages the believers to yield to the Holy Spirit and allow these works to be done through them for the benefit of the common good.
Spiritual gifts are also mentioned in Romans 12, Ephesians 4, and 1 Peter 4, some of which contain other gifts including teaching, administration, and hospitality. All of the virtuous traits are empowered by God. Although spiritual gifts can align with natural talents and abilities, God often uses the Spirit to leverage someone in a way they are not typically gifted. God loves to use unlikely people to display the power of His Spirit!
Paul personifies the body of Christ as a physical body, explaining that each person plays a unique role as a believer. Just as one body has many parts, God utilizes the community of believers to have unique gifting and purposes. Just as one part of the body cannot claim it is of more importance than the other parts, followers of Christ are instructed to live in unity as a diverse body of Christ.